My name is Jewel. Welcome to my blog!

In this blog I will post about my horsey-life, the chronicle of how our family went from no horses to five horses in the span of seven years, and how I stay sane with three horse-crazy kids. I called it "Green Broke" because at one time I started out green AND cash-broke (still feel that way). Come along for the ride!

To meet our cast of characters, read this post.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

History: A Reprieve From the Big Decision

[This is an installment in "How we got into horses". See the right sidebar for other posts.]

I waited, in vain, for Sierra's horse craziness to subside. I thought that "borrowing" a horse would be an eye-opener for her and she would decide it was too much work to care for a horse.

Well, it didn't work. And borrowing a horse for 4-H wasn't all that great either. Sierra and the girl she shared the horse with sometimes had two minutes between events and had to switch saddles and riders, usually making one late.

In 2005, we decided it was time to take the plunge. It was time to, gulp, start thinking of buying a horse.


Buying a horse is not something you go into lightly. And for someone like me who had hardly done anything in my life much to do with horses, the prospect TERRIFIED me. I didn't even know how to halter a horse, for goodness sakes, and I was supposed to help my daughter take care of the horse? We didn't have horse property, so we had to find a boarding place. What about all the tack and saddles we would need? And how were we going to find the time to do horses?

When I stopped hyperventilating, I decided it couldn't be all that bad, or most people wouldn't do it.

I didn't realize that to even consider buying horses, you have to be a touch insane.

For a few months I had a reprieve from this BIG DECISION. It was winter and not really a great time to check out horses. Drew and I decided we would enroll the family in riding lessons.

Next: Horse Audition