My name is Jewel. Welcome to my blog!

In this blog I will post about my horsey-life, the chronicle of how our family went from no horses to five horses in the span of seven years, and how I stay sane with three horse-crazy kids. I called it "Green Broke" because at one time I started out green AND cash-broke (still feel that way). Come along for the ride!

To meet our cast of characters, read this post.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Our 13 year old daughter rode Annie today and did not have a good experience. She lunged her at first and then when she thought Annie was listening, got on. I did remind her to be light on her mouth, but it seemed like without much provocation, Annie reared a couple of times, sidestepped, tossed her head, etc. So my daughter got off again, lunged her some more. Then she got on. Annie settled for a bit, but at a lope (which got faster and faster as she went), she bucked quite a bit when my daughter tried to slow her down. (My daughter stayed on fortunately)

This daughter is a quiet, experienced rider who has trained her own colt; I am glad she rode her first because our 9 year old probably would have panicked which would have made it worse.

We’re willing to give Annie other chances, but it’s not looking good so far. We emailed the seller (we have a three week trial period) with the above details so he is not shocked at our final verdict.

Sigh. Back to square one.

Lessons learned:

No matter how sweet and gentle a horse looks, do not fall in love until the main rider rides it.

The older the horse, in general, the better. Especially for your youngest child!

If you are looking for a 4-H horse, a horse with 4-H experience is ideal so you don't have to teach it new tricks.